Rapu Rapu Rapu (Seo)
Parau Tumu
he hangahanga wharangi kotahi-kore-whakahou kia pai ai te rapu tohu, ka hangaia he wharangi pateko me sitemap.xml
hei ngoki.
Ina whakamahia User-Agent
o te tono uru e te miihini rapu, ka tukuna te tono ki te wharangi pateko ma 302
I runga i nga wharangi pateko, whakamahia link
hei tohu i nga hononga ki nga momo putanga reo rereke o tenei wharangi, penei i te :
<link rel=alternate hreflang=zh href="https://i18n.site/zh/.htm">
<link rel=alternate hreflang=en href="https://i18n.site/en/.htm">
Whirihoranga nginx Rohe
Tangohia te kōnae whirihoranga .i18n/htm/main.yml
i roto i te kaupapa demo hei tauira
host: i18n-demo.github.io
seo: true
- fs
i: i18n.site
md: i18n.site
Tena koa whakarereke i te uara o te host:
i runga ake nei ki to ingoa rohe, penei i te xxx.com
Na, i18n.site -n
, ka hangaia te wharangi pateko ki te raarangi out/main/htm
Ko te tikanga, ka taea hoki e koe etahi atu konae whirihoranga, penei i te korero tuatahi ki te whirihoranga o main
ki te hanga .i18n/htm/dist.package.json
me .i18n/htm/dist.yml
Na ka rere i18n.site -n -c dist
kia puta te wharangi pateko ki te out/dist/htm
ka taea te whakarite ma te korero ki te whirihoranga i raro nei.
map $http_user_agent $botLang {
"~*baidu|yisou|sogou|360|byte" "/zh";
"~*facebookexternalhit|slurp|bot|spider|curl" "/en";
default "";
server {
http2 on;
listen 443 quic ;
listen 443 ssl ;
listen [::]:443 quic ;
listen [::]:443 ssl ;
add_header Alt-Svc 'h3=":443";ma=99999;persist=1';
server_name doc.flashduty.com;
ssl_certificate /root/.acme.sh/doc.flashduty.com_ecc/fullchain.cer;
ssl_certificate_key /root/.acme.sh/doc.flashduty.com_ecc/doc.flashduty.com.key;
root /mnt/doc.flashduty.com;
# Kaua e keteroki nga tuhinga a nga kaimahi tūmau mo te roa rawa
location = /S.js {
add_header Cache-Control "max-age=600";
# Tautuhia nga wa keteroki mo etahi atu rauemi pateko
location ~* \.(js|css|htm|html|md|avif|json|ico|xml|rss|gz|mp4|png|svg|txt|webmanifest)$ {
add_header Cache-Control "max-age=999999";
# Tautuhia ko tehea konae pateko ka whakamahia e te ngoki hei urunga wharangi kaainga
location = / {
# Ki te kore e putua $botLang
if ($botLang) {
return 301 $botLang/flashduty.htm;
add_header Cache-Control "max-age=600";
rewrite ^ /index.html break;
# whirihoranga tono wharangi kotahi
location / {
if ($botLang) {
return 302 $botLang$request_uri.htm;
add_header Cache-Control "max-age=600";
rewrite ^ /index.html break;
server {
server_name doc.flashduty.com;
listen 80;
listen [::]:80 ;
location / {
rewrite ^(.+) https://$host$1 permanent;
location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
root /mnt/doc.flashduty.com/;
Whirihorahia Te Rokiroki Ahanoa Mo Te Tuku Ake I Nga Konae Pateko
Ka taea te hanga i nga konae pateko ki te rohe, engari ko te huarahi noa ake ko te tuku ki te rokiroki ahanoa.
Whakakētia out
i whirihorahia i runga ake nei ki :
- s3
Na, whakatika ~/.config/i18n.site.yml
me te taapiri i te whirihoranga e whai ake nei :
- endpoint: s3.eu-central-003.backblazeb2.com
ak: # access key
sk: # secret key
bucket: # bucket name
# region:
I roto i te whirihoranga, whakarereketia i18n.site
ki te uara o host:
i roto i .i18n/htm/main.yml
, ka taea te whirihora i nga toa taonga maha i raro i s3
, a ko te waahi region
he mea whiriwhiri (he maha nga toa taonga kaore e hiahia ki te tautuhi i tenei mara).
Na ka rere i18n.site -n
ki te whakaputa ano i te kaupapa.
Mena kua whakarereke koe i ~/.config/i18n.site.yml
me te hiahia ki te tuku ake ano, whakamahia te whakahau e whai ake nei i roto i te raarangi pakiaka kaupapa hei whakawātea i te keteroki tukuake :
rm -rf .i18n/data/seo .i18n/data/public
Whirihoranga cloudflare
I manaakihia te ingoa rohe ki cloudflare
Ture Hurihanga
Tāpirihia nga ture hurihanga penei i raro nei:
Ko te waehere ture e whai ake nei, whakarereketia te waehere "i18n.site" ki to ingoa rohe:
(http.host in {"i18n.site"}) and not (
substring(http.request.uri.path,-3) in {".js" ".gz"} or
substring(http.request.uri.path,-4) in {".htm" ".rss" ".css" ".svg" ".ico" ".png" ".xml" ".txt"} or
substring(http.request.uri.path,-5) in {".html" ".avif" ".json"} or
Ture Keteroki
Tāpirihia ngā ture keteroki e whai ake nei:
(substring(http.request.uri.path,-4) in {".htm" ".rss"}) or ends_with(http.request.uri.path,"/sitemap.xml") or ends_with(http.request.uri.path,".xml.gz")
Redirect Ture
Whakatakotoria nga ture whakahuri e whai ake nei, whakarereketia te waehere "i18n.site" ki to ingoa rohe
(http.host in {"i18n.site"}) and not (
substring(http.request.uri.path,-3) in {".js" ".gz"} or
substring(http.request.uri.path,-4) in {".htm" ".rss" ".css" ".svg" ".ico" ".png" ".xml" ".txt"} or
substring(http.request.uri.path,-5) in {".html" ".avif" ".json"} or
) and (
http.user_agent wildcard "*bot*" or
http.user_agent wildcard "*spider*" or
http.user_agent wildcard "*facebookexternalhit*" or
http.user_agent wildcard "*slurp*" or
http.user_agent wildcard "curl*" or
http.user_agent wildcard "*InspectionTool*"
URL redirect
Tīpakohia te whakahāngaitanga hihiri, tēnā whakarerekētia /en
i te ara whakahāngaitanga concat("/en",http.request.uri.path,".htm")
ki te reo taunoa e hiahia ana koe ki te whakauru i nga miihini rapu.
Baidu Intelligent Cloud Configuration
Mena ka hiahia koe ki te whakarato ratonga ki te tuawhenua o Haina, ka taea e koe te whakamahi Baidu Smart Cloud .
Ka tukuna nga Raraunga ki te Rokiroki Ahanoa Baidu ka herea ki te Whatunga Tohatoha Ihirangi Baidu.
Na ka hanga i te tuhinga i roto i te ratonga EdgeJS e whai ake nei
const uri = r.uri, p = uri.lastIndexOf(".");
if (
p < 0 ||
"|" + uri.slice(p + 1) + "|",
) {
const ua = r.headersIn["User-Agent"].toLowerCase()
if (/facebookexternalhit|slurp|bot|spider|curl/.test(ua)) {
(/baidu|yisou|sogou|360|byte/.test(ua) ? "/zh" : "/en") + r.uri + ".htm",
} else {
r.uri = "/index.html"
r.respHeader(() => {
const t = [], out = r.headersOut;
["Content-MD5", "Age", "Expires", "Last-Modified"].forEach(
i => delete out[i]
r.rawHeadersOut.forEach(i => {
const key = i[0].toLowerCase()
if (key.startsWith("x-") || key.startsWith("ohc-")) {
delete out[key]
out["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=" + 9e5
// Ka taea e koe te tautuhi i te pane whakautu hei patuiro i te putanga, penei i out.XXX = 'MSG';
Patohia Debug
, ka panui ki te Whakaputa ki te whatunga katoa.
Whakamahinga Matatau: Tohaina Nga Waka I Runga I Te Whakataunga a-Rohe
Mena kei te pirangi koe ki te whakarato ratonga ki te tuawhenua o Haina me te hiahia hoki ki cloudflare
nga waka kore utu o te ao, ka taea e koe te whakamahi i DNS
me te whakatau a rohe.
Hei tauira, ka tukuna e Huawei Cloud DNS he tātari-a-rohe kore utu, ka taea e nga waka Hainamana te haere ma te Baidu Smart Cloud, ka taea e nga waka o te ao te haere ma te cloudflare
He maha nga mahanga i roto i te whirihoranga o te cloudflare
Anei etahi tohu hei tohu :
Ko Te Ingoa Rohe Kei Roto I Etahi Atu DNS
, Me Pehea Te Whakamahi cloudflare
Tuatahi herea te ingoa rohe ki te cloudflare
, ka whakamahi i te ingoa rohe ritenga SSL/TLS
→ hei hono i te ingoa rohe matua ki tenei ingoa rohe.
cloudflare R2
Kaore E Taea Te Uru Atu Ma Te Ingoa Rohe Ritenga
Na te mea kaore e taea te uru atu ki te rokiroki cloudflare
e te ingoa rohe kua whakaritea, me whakamahi he rokiroki ahanoa tuatoru hei tuu i nga konae pateko.
backblaze.com he tauira hei whakaatu me pehea te here i nga taonga tuatoru me te penapena ki te cloudflare
Waihangahia he peere ki te backblaze.com
, tuku ake i tetahi konae, pawhiria ki te tirotiro i te konae, ka tikina te ingoa rohe o Friendly URL
, ko te f003.backblazeb2.com
kei konei.
Hurihia te ingoa rohe mai i CNAME
ki f003.backblazeb2.com
i te cloudflare
ka taea te takawaenga.
Whakakētia cloudflare
→ aratau whakamunatanga, tautuhia ki Full
Taapirihia te ture hurihanga penei i raro nei, tuuhia ki te tuatahi (ko te mea tuatahi te mea iti ake te kaupapa matua):
Rewrite to
tīpakohia te hihiri me te whakarereke i your_bucketname
i roto i concat("/file/your_bucketname",http.request.uri.path)
ki to ingoa peere.
I tua atu, i roto i te ture hurihanga cloudflare
i runga ake nei, ka hurihia index.html
ki file/your_bucketname/index.html
, ka noho tonu etahi atu whirihoranga.