Editor Recommendation

Everyone has their own accustomed editor. Hereinafter, we will share our Markdown best practices.

We use vscode to write MarkDown, and install the plugin Markdown Preview Enhanced to preview in real time while writing.

As shown in the figure below, right-click in the editor to open the preview window.

Enter code xxx.md in the command line to call vscode to open the Markdown file.

Use PicList for picture uploading. Remember to set the upload shortcut key, and upload the screenshot with one click.

It supports automatically copying the file name into the Markdown format after uploading, which greatly improves efficiency.

At the same time, you can refer to the following configuration, modify the file, and configure the uploaded file to be automatically compressed to avif to reduce the image size.

"buildIn": {
  "compress": {
    "quality": 99,
    "isConvert": true,
    "convertFormat": "avif",
    "isReSize": false,
    "reSizeWidth": 0,
    "reSizeHeight": 0,
    "skipReSizeOfSmallImg": false,
    "isReSizeByPercent": false,
    "reSizePercent": 50,
    "isRotate": false,
    "rotateDegree": 0,
    "isRemoveExif": true,
    "isFlip": false,
    "isFlop": false,
    "formatConvertObj": {}
  … …