
The configuration file for i18n.site is .i18n/conf.yml.

Except for the settings of i18, ignore: and i18n:, the configuration file is as follows:

    - md
  - i18n: home
    use: Toc
    url: /
  - i18n: doc
    menu: NB demo1,demo2
    use: Doc
  - i18n: blog
    use: Doc

Among them, the upload's ext: configuration item indicates that only .md will be uploaded when publishing.

Top Navigation nav

The nav: configuration options correspond to the navigation menu at the top of the homepage.

Among them, i18n: home corresponds to home: Home in en/i18n.yml.

en/i18n.yml will be translated into multiple languages, such as zh/i18n.yml.

After the translation is completed, you can modify the value of the translated yml, but do not add or delete the key of the translated yml.

use: Toc, Single File Template (With Outline)

In nav:

  - i18n: home
    use: Toc
    url: /

use: Toc means using the Toc template for rendering, which is for rendering a single Markdown template.

TOC is the abbreviation of Table of Contents. When this template is rendered, the outline of this Markdown file will be displayed in the sidebar.

url: represents the file path of Markdown (/ corresponds to the root directory /README.md, and this file name requires an uppercase prefix and a lowercase suffix).

use: Md, Single File Template (No Outline)

The Md template is the same as the Toc template and is both used to render a single Markdown file. But the Md template does not show the outline in the sidebar.

You can modify use: Toc in the above configuration to use: Md, run i18n.site again in the md directory, and then visit the development preview URL to observe the changes on the homepage.

Default Loading Without Configuration Path

If a certain path is accessed and its path prefix is not configured in nav:, the MarkDown file corresponding to the path will be loaded by default and rendered using the Md template.

For example, if /test is accessed, and nav: is not configured for this path, and the page language is English (code en), /en/test.md will be loaded by default and rendered using the template Md.

If /en/test.md this file does not exist, the default 404 page will be displayed.

use: Doc, Multi-File Template

In the configuration file:

  - i18n: blog
    use: Doc

Indicates using Doc for template rendering.

Doc template supports integrating multiple MarkDown to generate document outlines for single or multiple projects.

Single Project (Multiple Files)

The blog mentioned above is the single-item mode of Doc.

  - i18n: blog
    url: blog
    use: Doc
When the URL is empty, it defaults to the value specified in i18n

If url is not written, url defaults to the value of i18n. This rule also applies to other templates.

The above writing is equivalent to url: blog, and its corresponding file is en/blog/TOC.

Multiple Projects

The configuration of i18n:doc in .i18n/conf.yml is in the multi-project mode.

  - i18n: doc
    menu: NB demo1,demo2
    use: Doc

Here, menu: NB demo1,demo2, means using the NB template to render the drop-down menu.

NB, which is the abbreviation of Name Breif, means that the drop-down menu can display the name and slogan of the project.

NB is followed by the parameters demo1,demo2 passed to it. Note: ** There should be no spaces ** before and after the comma , in demo1,demo2.

The corresponding directory index file for the above parameters is:

TOC Table of Contents Index

i18n.site will execute the js plugin .i18n/hook/after.tran/TOC.js in the demo warehouse to read the doc template configuration corresponding to the TOC directory index file to generate the json directory outline.

If you use the doc template, you must have this plugin.

If you initialize the i18n.site project from an empty folder, remember to copy the .i18n of the demo project to your directory.

The Doc template will render the table of contents outline based on the generated json.

Detailed Content Explanation

The content of en/blog/TOC is as follows:


Use indentation to indicate levels

The first line of en/blog/TOC above, README.md, corresponds to i18n.site in the figure below, which is the project name.

The next two lines are as shown in the screenshot below.

news/README.md corresponds to News, news/begin.md corresponds to Our Product is Online!

The TOC files, through indentation, represent the hierarchical relationship of the outline, support multi-level indentation, and the lines starting with # are comments.

At the parent level, only the title should be written, without including the content

In cases of multiple indentation levels, the parent level should also only contain the title, omitting the content to avoid typography issues.

Project README.md

Content may be included within the README.md of the project, for instance, in en/demo2/README.md.

Note that the content of this file does not display a table of contents outline, so it is advisable to control the length and just write a brief introduction.

Project Slogan

It can be seen that Deme Two has its project slogan below the drop-down menu and the project name in the catalog outline: Your Project slogan.

This corresponds to the first line of en/demo2/README.md:

# Demo Two : Your Project slogan

The content after the first colon : of the first-level title of the project README.md will be regarded as the project slogan.

Users from China, Japan, and Korea, please note that a half-width colon : should be used instead of a full-width colon.

How to batch move the TOC?

The TOC file needs to be placed in the directory of the source language.

For example, if the source language is Chinese, then the above TOC is zh/blog/TOC.

If the source language is modified, it is necessary to batch move the TOC files of a certain language in the project to another language.

You can refer to the following commands:

rsync -av --remove-source-files --include='*/' \
--include='TOC' --exclude='*' en/ zh/

Please modify en/ and zh/ in the above command to your language code.