brief: | Currently, two open-source command-line tools have been developed: i18 (Markdown command-line translation tool) and (multi-language static document site generator) · Markdown Translation and Site Building Tool is Now Live!

After more than half a year of development, is now live.

Currently, two open-source command-line tools have been implemented:

The translation perfectly preserves the Markdown format and can identify file modifications, translating only the changed files.

The translated text is editable; if the original text is modified, subsequent machine translations will not overwrite the manual edits to the translated text (if the original paragraph has not been modified).

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In the internet era, the global market demands multilingual and localized content as a fundamental skill.

Existing translation management tools are too heavy and complex. For programmers who manage versions using git, a command-line tool is still preferred.

Therefore, I developed the translation tool i18 and built the multi-language static site generator on top of it.

This is just the beginning; there is much more to come.

For example, integrating the static document site with social media and email subscriptions to notify users of updates in real-time.

Another example is embedding multi-language forums and ticket systems into any webpage, allowing users to communicate seamlessly.

Open Source

The front-end, back-end, and command-line code is all open source (the translation model is not yet open source).

The technology stack used includes:

Frontend: svelte, stylus, pug, vite

Command line and backend: developed using Rust.

Backend: axum, tower-http

Command line: embedded JavaScript engine boa_engine, embedded database fjall

Server VPS: contabo

Database: kvrocks, mariadb

Email sending: self-built SMTP chasquid

Contact Us

With the launch of a new product, issues are inevitable.

Please feel free to contact us via the Google Forum: